Call for papers

Nodes 25
Special issue
Music and multisensoriality between aesthetics and neuroscience

Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi


Editorial Board
Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella
Sara Cuono
Manuel Focareta
Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi
Licia Masi
Giulia Torromino


Andrea Velardi
Stefano Oliva
Nicola Di Stefano


Nodes publishes research articles, essays and reviews. All papers, in Italian or English, must be prepared by the author for peer review using the appropriate template and the editorial standards downloadable from the journal website.

→ Editorial principles
→ Guidelines for publications

All articles accepted for publication will be published in both Italian and English (Nodes editorial staff will take care of the translation into one of the two languages, unless provided by the authors themselves).

Deadline for submission of papers
1 October 2024

Publication date
June 2025



About this issue

Since ancient times, music has been considered a complex phenomenon, capable of evoking emotional responses in the listener, transmitting cultural values and realising symbolic exchanges, in addition to the experience of sound. From an evolutionary point of view, some studies have suggested that music has been a key factor in favouring social cohesion among individuals of the same group. Neuroscientific studies have also demonstrated the multisensory nature of music: the experience of sound involves not only hearing, but also touch (e.g. the somatic effects of pulsation and rhythm) and, in crossmodal, synaesthetic or imaginative experiences, sight (as in the combination of sounds and colours).

This monographic issue of Nodes aims to develop the perspective according to which music is conceived as an essentially multisensory art form by bringing together contributions from philosophy - and in particular musical aesthetics - philosophy of psychology, neuroscience, musicology and anthropology. Among the various topics of interest, in this issue we invite contributions that explore the following aspects:

- The relationship between music and emotions;
- Bodily responses to listening to music (e.g. rhythm, harmony, genres...);
- New theoretical paradigms applied to music (embodied cognition, 4E cognition, enactivism)
- Neuroscience of music;
- Cross-modal associations and synaesthesia;
- Evolutionary biology and music;
- The relationship between music and language;
- Nature and culture in the experience of music.