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A / Text
- The text must be 25000 characters maximum (including spaces) in Times New Roman 12 pt.
- The text must contain an abstract (max 1.000 characters including spaces).
- A maximum of 5 keywords.
- Words, sentences and quotations in foreign languages must be expressed in italics, as well as titles of literary or art works.
- All quotations should be in quotes « » (e.g.: «The perception of art is often like that of a child, it is a first perception. Invention grows on an inner culture, an inner attention») and must be followed by a citation as follows: author’s last name followed by a comma; year of the publication from which the citation is taken; number of the page on which the citation is found preceded by the letter p. and all must be enclosed in parentheses (e.g.: (Vischer, 1873, p.7)).
- Parts of missing text, within quotations, should be marked with three suspension points enclosed in square brackets […] (e.g.: «The perception of art is often like that of a child […]. Invention grows on an inner culture, an inner attention»).
- Portions of text added by the author within a quotation should be placed in square brackets [ ].
- The use of double quotation marks ” ” should be reserved for complete sentences or particular expressions in English that are intended to be emphasised (e.g.: the charge of “ideality” in Poussin’s painting).
- Names of museums and foreign institutions should maintain their original spelling (e.g.: Alte Pinakothek, Kunsthistorisches Museum, etc.).
- References to notes should be indicated in Arabic numbers placed after punctuation (e.g.: «This aspect of the unity of the complex of structures of behavior can be reformulated in terms of an information of the cognitive aspects of the personalities of individuals».2).
- The position of punctuation marks is always after quotation marks, high quotes, and parentheses.
B / Images
- Illustrations or other material accompanying the text should be provided by the authors in digital format. Images must be in high resolution and have the following requirements: (acquired by digital camera or scanner) TIFF or JPG format at least 300 dpi (grayscale), the long side of the image must be a minimum of 20.5 cm (2421 px).
C/ Captions and other supporting material
- To indicate figures, graphs, diagrams, etc., use the words Figure followed by a progressive Arabic number within the text; to indicate tables use the words Table followed by a progressive Arabic number within the text.
- The captions of the images and tables must be reported in a separate file containing the name of the file and the relative caption (e.g.: image.jpg: Figure 1. Text of the caption).
- Artwork captions should be written according to the following example: Full surname and dotted name of the author, title of the work in italics, year, technique, size, collection, city (e.g.: Lombardo S., Bianco 54, 1960, collage and enamel on canvas, 100×100 cm, private collection, Rome)
D/ Bibliography
- For books and essays: full surname and dotted name of the author (if there are only two authors, they should be separated with the conjunction and/&, if there are many authors, the words et al. should follow after the first author); in case of curatorship, it should be expressed in brackets (edited by) after the name of the curator (e.g.: Surname N. (edited by)); year of first publication expressed in round brackets followed by a full stop; full title of the book or essay in italics, followed by a comma; for works in more than one volume, indicate the number of the volume in Arabic number preceded by the abbreviation vol., followed by a comma; publishing house followed by a comma; place of publication followed by a comma, year of publication followed by a period (e.g.: Surname N. (1914). Title of work, vol. 0, publishing house, Place, 2013).
- For scientific articles: full surname and dotted first name of first author followed by et al. (if the authors are more than two) or by the conjunction and/& followed by full surname and dotted name of the second author; year of first publication expressed in round brackets followed by a full stop; full title of the article, followed by a comma; name of the publishing journal in italics followed by a comma; volume of the journal followed by a comma; publisher of the journal followed by a comma, place of publication followed by a comma, indication of the interval of pages within the volume preceded by pp. (e.g.: Surname N. et al. (2012). Article title, journal, vol. 0, publisher, Rome, pp. 15-20.).